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Flow Science and Engineering Group is one of the research units in the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Institut Teknologi Bandung. Led by Professor Lavi Zuhal, we conduct state-of-the-art aerospace engineering research such as computational aeroscience, experimental fluid mechanics, data-driven fluid mechanics, and intelligent computer vision.
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Experimental Fluid Mechanics
In experimental fluid mechanics, we conduct research on the latest experimental fluid dynamics problems such as bio-inspired propulsion and drag reduction method. Currently, we are also developing our in-house experimental tools such as Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Software and Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA) system.

Computational Aeroscience
Computer simulation has an important role in the world of engineering and science. Nowadays, real-world applications require simulations that involve complex geometries, deforming body, and moving boundaries. However, classical numerical simulations of those problems may require difficult and time-consuming mesh-generation.

Data Driven Fluid Mechanics with Machine Learning
Data Driven Fluid Mechanics is a state-of-the-art engineering field that utilizes machine learning techniques to predict complex fluid flow behavior. One example of application is in the field of multidisciplinary design optimization problem. Advanced optimization methodology with machine learning will support the decision-making process and improve the development process of complex engineering products to obtain state-of-the-art results.

Intelligent Computer Vision
The flow science and engineering laboratory has delved into the topic of computer vision research for several years. The application of computer vision for aerospace engineering application has been the top interest in this laboratory, specifically concerning flow.
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For more information regarding research collaboration or any other inquiries, feel free to contact us!